Friday, January 15, 2010

She works hard for the money

So it took me long enough, but I finally got a pic up of my newest obsession! These high-waisted gray flannel pants fell into my lucky hands at a Salvation Army a few weeks back and I have been wearing them every chance I get. I work as a secretary for a tax office and find them perfect for work. Last week, I blogged about menswear inspired clothing and that was my inspiration for this outfit. My oxfords are from Aldo and have become a staple in my outfits. Now I just want a brown pair of oxfords. I've been scouring vintage and thrift shops for a bargain, but have been unlucky so far. I may just have to give in a buy a pair new or used on Etsy for a higher price than I would like.

In other news, Ethan got a job! This means we can finally get our own place. I am so excited to finally live on my own and gosh, to decorate it! We inherited a bunch of lovely furniture from his grandmother including a fantabulous antique pink velvet slipper chair! So excited!

Faux fur stole: thrifted, Cream Blouse: Wal-Mart, Pants: thrifted, Shoes: Aldo

You couldn't see my necklace really in any of my photos and can barely see it here, but I was wearing my favorite necklace of late which is a pocket watch affixed to a long chain from American Eagle. I love it so.

I also want to take the time to apologize for the poor quality of these photos as I have the cheapest camera around. I have to photoshop them to the best of my ability. Hence why I am not a graphic designer nor photographer.

Happy Friday everyone!


  1. i love this look so much. i can't believe these pants are from salvation army. i gave up on thrifing any and bought a pair from modcloth last night!

  2. You look so dapper/chic; like Katherine Hepburn! I love the glam touch of fur with the trousers.

  3. Gah, I'm so jealous! I've been looking for pants like that everywhere and now I keep seeing bloggers posting about getting some. D:
    You look amazing. I love the outfit. I'm also looking for a watch necklace thing because wristwatchs are uncomfortable and make my wrist itchy.

  4. I really desperately need a pair of pants like this only all my attempts to thrift them have been unsuccessful. I am super close to just buying them online from ModCloth!

  5. I really can't believe how lucky I was with these pants. I am utterly in love with them. Thanks for the great comments you guys.

    Seriously Rebecca, to be compared to Katherine Hepburn...I cannot think of a nicer compliment :)

  6. I just saw your blog link on Lauren's FB wall and had to comment. You really have a knack for making ordinary items glamorous. Your pictures are absolutely gorgeous!! I will definitely be checking out your blog often. I love thrift stores and finding steals. This will, for sure, be an inspiration for new ideas!

    I think your photos look incredibly professional. I actually thought you had one of those fancy cameras. You should give yourself more credit. :)

  7. you look amazing in those pants I want a pair!!

  8. You look amazing, love the whole outfit! :) The pants and the blouse is gorgeous! And that fur <3. Hope you have a nice weekend!

    Girl, could you please vote for me here:
    It would definitely help me!
    Thanks :)


  9. Great pics! Love the outfit ;))

  10. Rosemud is born!! I'm so excited!

  11. ooo amazing pants indeed

    thanks for checking out my blog, would you like to trade links!

  12. 1) those pants are incredible.
    2) yay for moving to your own place!
    3) double woo for decorating! yes!

  13. Cool outfit! Love those trousers and shoes! xx

  14. I also really like those pants!

  15. I love the pants as well! I think most of us have been on the hunt for a great pair of pants, haha :))

    ♥ Aya

  16. Look, you have 10 followers now and you're getting tons of comments! Congratulations! You feel like you're getting somewhere in the blogging world now? :D

  17. This is a slick outfit, love it!

  18. faaaaaantastic outfit, i love every single inch of it!
