Thursday, June 7, 2012


There has been this general malaise that has been hovering over for me for awhile now and I feel as if I am finally starting to pull myself out of it. For as long as I can remember, I have had this overwhelming fear of not being enough for anybody. Trying to live up to others expectations and conforming who I am to what they want me to be, has caused me to be left with no idea of who Rosemary is. I've been trying to get more in touch with myself and the person that I want to be. Its a good thing to do. I recommend it.


  1. I've been feeling the same way, stress from my uni course, being forever compared to others and being told i'm not good enough. *sigh. "You are a wonderful person and you shall soon find your place in the world, you are more than good enough, you are you." were the wisest words ever said to me by a friend, hope it helps you out and i hope things improve for you Rosemary xoxoxo

  2. "For as long as I can remember, I have had this overwhelming fear of not being enough for anybody." Man do I relate to that. I am working through that same battle currently... Constantly remind yourself that you are more than good enough, Rosemary!

    Maybe I'll see you in Peterborough this weekend?? I'll be at tonight's show, Broke, and hopefully Sunday's show. :]

  3. I know this feeling all too well... You'll get through it and come out the other end a more confident and happy person <3

  4. totally relate. i've chalked it up to being in my 20s. hoping to blossom into that self actualized person any dang day now!

  5. I relate quite a bit... I've spent the past year traveling/at university, so I've become distanced from people I used to know. I just feel like I don't compare to those people or people from school. In my head it seems so trivial, but I see myself acting differently, doing things I wouldn't do without those external influences.

    Here's to things looking up.


  6. gorgeous loving this beautiful outfit found you on calivintage great blog my dear!
    xoxo Ilana

  7. Wow! just encountered your blog and i love your post. that is so true, there are times that I feel that way. Yes it's nice to be alone and think or re-think of who you are and your purpose in life. Yoga also helps, it centers everything! I am your new follower! Do check out my blog if you have time!


  8. Sweetie, trying to be who somebody wants you to be never works. you should let them love you for who you are and if they really love you they will. i know I wouldn't want to be tough when i just want to cry, i wouldn't want to sit when i just want to jump up and down. If i do sit, I'll itch and then get depressed and it wouldn't be good for either of us 'cause we'll both be sad.

    I'm not trying to be a therapist or anything I've simply gone through this phase before again and again until I learned to let them love me for me and guess what they did. they complain, but i see that they love me.

  9. Love your blog , btw.
