Tuesday, January 5, 2010

oh why hello twenty ten.

Its been about a week since we all rang in the new year. Ethan and I were in Cambridge, Ma hanging out with some friends when the clock struck twelve. It was pretty low key, which is what I prefer. I'm excited to have a new year to look forward to and to forget the miserable year formerly known as of 2009. I'm going to spend most of my time looking for a full-time job working 9-5 somewhere, trying to figure it all out (which I've become convinced is impossible). In the meantime, I've set some resolutions for myself which I thought I could share here:
2010 Resolutions
I work hard, yet when it comes to my pay check, it is near impossible for me to put it away and not touch it. I want to break this habit.

2. Maintain this blog
Hopefully posting either everyday or every other day. Feel free to scold me if I go back on this one...

3.Keep up with my journal
At one point I filled it within 5 months. I've had my new one since April and have only filled 15 pages. Oops.

4. Have a more positive outlook on life.
Yes, I am indeed a Negative Nancy and that needs to stop. There is enough negativity in this world to begin with.

5. Practice Yoga more

6.Start writing a novel
I have been wrestling with a couple ideas for awhile now and would love to get those thoughts out of my mind and down on some paper.

7. Be more confident and stand up for myself once in awhile.

So there is that. We'll see how those work out.

I've been frequenting Etsy a lot lately and found some great indie artists, one being Paola Zakimi from Argentina. Her work is done in watercolor and is just super romantic and ethereal. Here are a few of my favorites:


  1. wow these works are so dreamy. and yes - saving money and yoga are totally on my to-do list as well!
